SEDRA/SMITH 8E: The classic re-engineered. More current, concise, and interactive.
The eighth edition of Microelectronic Circuits offers an enhanced e-Book with new digital features, which are embedded in the enhanced e-Book and also accessible on a premium site for print purchasers.
Enhanced e-Book only $54.99!
New to This Edition
- New digital features: 40 step-by-step problem-solving videos help students bridge the gap from theory to application
- Two new co-authors (Tony Chan Carusone of University of Toronto and Vincent Gaudet of University of Waterloo) add a fresh perspective rooted in their active teaching and research
- Thoroughly updated for increased modularity and flexibility
- Overhaul of problem set: half of 1,400 problems new or revised with values reflecting new IC process technology
- Streamlined coverage: 200 page reduction
Transitioning your Microelectronics Circuits Course Online
Soo Chan Carusone and Tony Chan Carusone recently hosted a webinar on how to transition your course online. Please watch the videos below for practical tips, examples, and software tools related to transitioning your in-class course to online delivery.
New learning resources help students bridge
the gap between theory and application
Sample Problem Solving Video
Sample of Additional Practice Problems
Problem Solving Videos give students a "virtual office hours" experience with the authors themselves, explaining the solution of forty essential problems in step-by-step detail.
The author Problem Solving videos and Additional Practice Problems are free with the purchase of the enhanced eBook, or with an access code found in new print textbooks. Used buyers or renters may purchase access at the same price as the eBook.
Additional Practice Problems demonstrate problem-solving approaches on 150 problems that are additional to the end-of-chapter problem set. The solutions offer students a step-by-step walk through at a level of detail not found in any other resource available to students.
Enhanced e-Book
The enhanced e-Book features:
- Easy-to-navigate content
- Digital bookmarks, highlighting, and sticky tabs
- Forty videos in which the authors provide detailed solutions to circuit problems
- Ability to hide and reveal text boxes and tables to control the flow of the text
- 150 solved practice problems, which provide step-by-step solutions with detailed explanations by Adel Sedra that you can’t get anywhere else
- Hidden solutions or answers to examples and exercises, revealed with a click of the mouse
- Equations and figures in popover reference boxes
- End-of-chapter problems marked with a clickable video icon that brings you directly to the video
Experimentation and Simulation
To support the laboratory component that often accompanies courses in electronics circuits, Vincent Gaudet has worked with K.C. Smith to bring you Laboratory Explorations. Laboratory Explorations invites student to explore the realm of real-world engineering through practical, hands-on experiments that are keyed to sections of the text. Students will learn practical engineering skills and design practices.
Solutions to all of the labs are available to instructors on the online Ancillary Resources Center.
Circuit simulation is an integral part of modern electronic design, and therefore new simulations are integrated throughout the new edition of the text. Organized by chapter, the simulation support material is simple to navigate and use. It enables students to get started doing simulations on their own, as well as help instructors integrate SPICE into their courses. An introduction to SPICE circuit simulation begins in Appendix B, with an introduction to SPICE followed by a series of simulation examples described in great detail.
The Ancillary Resources Center has updated guides to help students set up SPICE simulations using freely available tools. And for instructors, we provide netlists and instructions for each example in Appendix B, and each end-of-chapter problem denoted with a "SIM" icon. In total there are more than seventy SPICE netlists available.
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