European languages

We at Oxford Languages provide a range of lexical datasets for languages beyond English. The datasets can be used for online dictionary applications, lookup features, artificial intelligence, natural language processing (NLP), and various language technologies.

You can explore our vast range of lexical datasets for the most popular European languages and download our samples for free.

What do we offer?

Human-curated data in over 60 languages

 Support from our Customer Success team to help you get the most value from our data

Access to dataset features that support a wide variety of use cases

Standard data models that enable reusable pipelines as they grow into regions and languages

Language data and product sourcing specialists

Types of datasets

Monolingual dictionaries

Our monolingual dictionary dataset provides definitions of words in a single language and assists native speakers or advanced learners in comprehending the meaning of a word. The dictionary data comprises headwords, meanings, parts of speech, examples, etymologies, and other lexical information.

Bilingual dictionaries 

Our bilingual dictionary dataset has headwords in one language and translations of those words in a different language. The purpose of a bilingual dictionary is to support end-users with translations. The bilingual datasets contain headwords, meanings, translations of the headwords, and examples and translated examples.

Sentence datasets

Our sentence data contains several examples or phrases that illustrate the usage of a meaning or construction. The sentences enable the audience to verify if they are using a word correctly based on real-life examples.

Would you like to access the samples?

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