A comprehensive and student-friendly introduction to logic and critical reasoning that demonstrates the relevance of logic to everyday life


Fifth Edition

Stan Baronett

Enhanced e-Book: 978-0-19-760239-3, $57.95

Loose-leaf: 978-0-19-760237-9, $79.99

Paper: 978-0-19-760236-2, $114.95

Alternate formats also available:

Concise Edition: 978-0-19-760271-3 (Chapters 1, 3, 4–8)
Logic: An Emphasis on Formal Logic, Fifth Edition:
978-0-19-760240-9 (Chapters 1, 4–9)

About the Book

Featuring an exceptionally clear writing style and a wealth of real-world examples and exercises, Logic, Fifth Edition, shows how logic relates to everyday life, demonstrating its applications in such areas as the workplace, media and entertainment, politics, science and technology, student life, and elsewhere. The examples and exercises were chosen to be interesting, thought-provoking, and relevant to students.

About the Author

Stan Baronett is Lecturer in the Philosophy Department and Honors College at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

He is the author of several books, including Why Did the Logician Cross the Road?: Finding Humor in Logical Reasoning (2021) and Journey Into Philosophy: An Introduction with Classic and Contemporary Readings (2016).

New to This Edition

This is the only logic text that comes with FREE access to a full-service, assignable homework solution. All new print/electronic copies of Logic come with access to the full suite of interactive practice, study, and assessment resources.

New extended discussions and examples,  illustrating different ways to create counter-examples to arguments

A clarified discussion of false cause fallacies to help distinguish specific types of fallacies that fall under that heading

A new Appendix A: Cognitive Bias provides coverage of a topic that many instructors have requested

Additional information specifying how members of the subject class for I-propositions and O-propositions are to be understood regarding class inclusion or exclusion

A new, unique set of LSAT-type exercises for Appendix B: The LSAT and Logical Reasoning. These special exercises provide an opportunity for students to directly test the skills presented in this appendix. Found in Oxford Learning Cloud, these exercises are auto-graded, with the results recorded in the instructor’s gradebook.

Expanded details and discussions regarding statistical arguments, explaining how asking a few simple questions can facilitate the extraction of specific information about the sample, population, and conclusion of a statistical argument

24 new long proof exercises (many requiring 30–50 lines) can be used to further challenge students’ mastery of the rules, tactics, and strategies involved in natural deduction and predicate logic proofs

A new subsection in 14H, “Putting It All Together,” offers a comprehensive illustration of how the three requirements for a fair test of a hypothesis can be applied to our understanding of a historical scientific case study

Table of Contents


Part I: Selling the Stage

Chapter 1: What Logic Studies

Part II: Informal Logic

Chapter 2: Language Matters
Chapter 3: Diagramming Arguments
Chapter 4: Informal Fallacies

Part III: Formal Logic

Chapter 5: Categorical Propositions
Chapter 6: Categorical Syllogisms
Chapter 7: Propositional Logic
Chapter 8: Natural Deduction
Chapter 9: Predicate Logic

Part IV: Inductive Logic

Chapter 10: Analogical Arguments
Chapter 11: Legal Arguments
Chapter 12: Moral Arguments
Chapter 13: Statistical Arguments and Probability
Chapter 14: Causality and Scientific Arguments

Instructors interested in providing students with an opportunity for further analysis can refer them to Online Chapter 15, located on the book's Oxford Learning Link site (registration required). 

Online Chapter 15: Analyzing a Long Essay

Appendix A: Cognitive Bias
Appendix B: The LSAT and Logical Reasoning
Answers to Selected Exercises

Digital Resources

All new print and electronic versions of Logic come with access to a full suite of engaging digital learning tools that work with the text to bring content to life and build critical thinking skills.

Digital Access to Logic includes:

•    Enhanced eBook

•    “Tip Sheets” for particularly complex ideas

•    Chapter Guides

•    Video tutorials

•    Interactive key term flashcards

•    Student self-practice exercises in each chapter

Digital resources on Oxford Learning Link

Save time in course prep with valuable tools available for download on Oxford Learning Link, your central hub for a wealth of engaging digital learning tools and resources to help you get the most of your Oxford University Press course material:

•    Detailed Instructor’s Manual, with complete answers to every exercise set in the textbook

•    PowerPoint lecture slides

•    Two Test Banks: (1) A Traditional Test Bank (“pencil-and-paper”) that has 1,500 open-ended and closed-ended questions. (2) A Multiple-Choice Test Bank has closed-ended questions (multiple-choice and true/false) that can be used for either Scantron grading or hand grading. All the test bank questions have been written expressly for exams and quizzes, so they are different from the textbook. Available in Word, or LMS Cartridge.

Praise for Logic

This is the best logic text available; it's extremely accessible and engaging without sacrificing any rigor at all. It could be the only logic text on the market that students genuinely enjoy learning from!"

– James Taylor, The College of New Jersey

Baronett's Logic is light-years better than its competitors, and does the best job I have ever seen of putting together classic, old-school precision with the most progressive, interactive online companion resources available."

– Nathaniel Nicol, Washington State University

Logic remains the most comprehensive, clearest introductory logic text available on the market."

– James Pearson, Bridgewater State University

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